Datalinq Solutions - Our Story

about us

Our Mission

At Datalinq Solutions, we are committed to providing top-tier IT solutions and support to our clients. We believe in a professional, yet friendly approach is what sets us apart in the industry.

We believe that it is not just about technology; it's about fostering strong, lasting relationships and empowering our clients to focus on what they do best. We've distilled our core prinicples into our mission statement that embodies our professional, yet friendly, approach.

our difference

Russell Gunn, leveraging over 30 years of experience in the IT industry, boldly founded Datalinq Solutions with a clear vision: delivering invaluable services and expertise tailored specifically to meet your business needs.

Tech Motivated

Driven by our commitment to cost-efficiency, we strive to equip our clients with the latest advancements in hybrid technologies, bypassing the need for unnesessary IT infrastructure.

Local Business

As a proud Perth-based company, we guarantee your business success through our tailored and personalised services, delivering a focused approach that exceeds expectations.

Our Team

Russell Gunn

Managing Director.

Ben Gunn

Senior IT Technician.

Lhendup Norbu

IT Technician and Help Desk Support.

Tshewang Phuntsho

IT Technician and Help Desk Support.

Shaynie Paull

Specialising in IP Telephony. Office and Warehouse Support.

Kelsy Gunn

Administration and Accounts.

Libby Weatherall

Administration Assistant.

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